Why Do We Serve?

Written by CJ Quartlbaum

There are a ton of reasons people choose to go on mission trips. For some it’s a great way to see a new place, others go because their friends are going, and for the majority, it is because it is an opportunity to do good work in this world. None of these reasons are bad on their own but they cannot be the ultimate reason for going on a mission trip.

We find our example of what it means to do a mission trip well in Jesus. The Bible tells us in John 1:14 that Jesus is the word of God who came to earth to dwell among us. Paul says in Philippians 2 that this act of humility is the same attitude that we should have:

Adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a servant, taking on the likeness of humanity. 
— Philippians 2:5:

Jesus coming to earth, known as the incarnation, was the ultimate mission trip. He said in Luke 19 that he came to seek and save the lost. And in Matthew 20, Jesus tells us that he came not to be served but to serve. The ultimate example of this is giving his life as a ransom for us. This was true love on display.

This is where we start. We go on mission trips because we follow the example of Jesus coming to Earth to do the ultimate good deed, saving us. As John says in 1 John 4:19, we love because he first loved us. A mission trip is an example of us displaying that love to the world. We seek to fulfill the call of preaching the Gospel to all nations. Jesus’ departing words to his followers were to make disciples of all nations and teach them to obey all that he has commanded. 

So what exactly does it mean for us to serve? It is when we go out and do good deeds for those in need. On a CSM trip you will have a variety of ways to serve. This could be working in a community garden, soup kitchen, or an after school program. We can think of the good deeds Jesus did in his time on earth: healing the sick, feeding the 5,000, and washing the feet of his disciples. While we may not be able to do exactly what he did, we can follow his example.

The Gospel and Serving Coming Together

If the goal is just serving and hoping for change through that then we will become demotivated pretty quickly. Over the last 100 years, many of the issues we seek to fix in our service have not gotten better. People are still hungry, still experiencing homelessness, and inequality is arguably the worst it has ever been. 

If we go on mission trips and just want to tell people about Jesus then we may be discouraged when we find that conversions don’t always happen after one conversation. We may also find that people with tangible needs are resistant to hearing the message of Jesus because they need to think about their immediate needs. It is hard to listen to a message about eternity when you need to eat today.

There has to be a third way. We should see our service as an opportunity to plant seeds. Orthodox Christian belief says that apart from faith in Jesus, humanity is doomed. History shows that people are most often converted through a series of conversations and exploration. The one life changing conversation, though not impossible, is rare. Knowing this, we use our good deeds as a way to plant seeds about who Jesus is and pray that God would bear fruit from them. In 1 Corinthians 3 Paul talks about how he plants the seeds, Apollos waters them, but it is God who makes them grow. 

 We Are All in Need of Grace

Apart from God, whether you are rich or poor, Black or White, from the city or the suburbs; we all need Jesus. There are people right where you are that need to hear the good news of Jesus. Don’t think you have to wait until you come to the city to find those in need because they are everywhere. 

We live in a world broken by sin. The way sin manifests will look different in each place but it doesn’t make it any less broken. As you prepare to come serve, think about the needs in your area. Start to think about the people who seem to have it are but are lacking a life transforming relationship with Jesus. Ask yourself this question: What does it look like to serve and love them?

The work you are getting ready to do is good and necessary but it's not the only work that can be done. Jesus describes us as the light of the world. He then tells us to let that light shine before others, so that they may see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven (Matthew. 5:16). In the end, our trips are for the glory of God and the good of the city. That includes your city too.

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CJ Quartlbaum

www.cjquartlbaum.com | @cj_quartlbaum

CJ is a writer and speaker from Brooklyn, NY. He is a husband and father of 3. His work is centered around the Gospel, culture, racial justice, personal finance, and living the authentic Christian life. His work has been featured in publications including The Witness, Christ and Pop Culture, and The Gospel Coalition. He frequently gives talks at churches, colleges, and high schools around the country. For CJ, it’s all about simple teachings on living in the way of Jesus. CJ is our Justice & Reconciliation Consultant. He was previously a CSM City Director.